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Shaun Whiteside books

Shaun Whiteside
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Read Books by Shaun Whiteside


The Confusions of Young Törless (2001)

the place is an exclusive all-boys boarding school in Austria. the time is the turn of the 19th century. three boys: Törless, Beineberg, and Reiting. Reiting is an amiable, energetic sort; his aggressive nature is balanced by his charm and ease in the world. Beineberg is an anti-intellectual inte...

The Confusions of Young Törless (2001) by Shaun Whiteside

The Flemish House (2015)

Very similar to a crime in holland, with Maigret brought in without an official role in the case of a missing woman feared murdered. The chief suspect is the son of a Flemish family and it his sister who apppeals to Maigret for help.This is the usual questioning of witnesses; distilling evidence ...

The Flemish House (2015) by Shaun Whiteside

Auschwitz: A History (2006)

At the terrible heart of the modern age lies Auschwitz, a name that has become synonymous with evil. Here the utopian twentieth-century dream of employing science and technology to improve and protect human life was inverted from the latter part of the 1930s through the end of the Second World Wa...

Auschwitz: A History (2006) by Shaun Whiteside

Napoleon's Exile (2006)

Comment un homme qui a gouverné l’Europe peut-il se retrouver sur un îlot avec les pouvoirs d’un sous-préfet ? La question posée par Patrick Rambaud dans l'autoentretien figurant à la fin du livre le résume à elle seule. Le contraste est tellement fort entre l'Empire, la Grande Armée et cet île m...

Napoleon's Exile (2006) by Shaun Whiteside

Brother of Sleep (1996)

Could the greatest musician of all time live his life in a remote peasant village and never be discovered by the world? Set against the backdrop of an Alpine village in the nineteenth century, this astounding novel tells the story of Elias Johannes Alder, a musical genius with supernatural hearin...

Brother of Sleep (1996) by Shaun Whiteside

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