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Shawn Grady books

Shawn Grady
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Read Books by Shawn Grady


Through the Fire (2009)

Firefighting burns in Aidan O'Neill's blood. The son of a fireman, O'Neill has a sixth sense about fire and often takes dangerous risks. When one act of disobedience nearly gets a rookie killed, O'Neill is suspended. His weeks off are supposed to be a time to reflect but instead he escapes to Mex...

Through the Fire (2009) by Shawn Grady

Falls Like Lightning

Elle’s hearing deafened. She grabbed the stock of the gun and drove her shoulder against the man’s chest. He fought to keep it, circling toward the wall. Elle shoved him against the splintered logs, head-butted him, and pried free the weapon.She stumbled back, found her balance, and pointed the g...

Falls Like Lightning by Shawn Grady

Tomorrow We Die

Eli fished keys from his pocket next to a burnished bronze, late-sixties International Scout II. A chrome roof rack perched atop the bone-white upper half of the two-door SUV.“Where’d you get this ride?”He grinned with a hint of Millennium Falcon pride. “Something I’ve been working on in the gara...

Tomorrow We Die by Shawn Grady

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