I’m basking in the sun, breathing in the fresh outdoor air, and feeling the wind whip my hair around my face. I look back at my new home behind me and sigh as my mind automatically thinks of Nate. I lie down in the grass, feeling the wind whipping around my hair and the grass grazing my legs ever...
That’s all I’ve heard about for the past week or so. I’ve gotten texts from Stacey nonstop. We even went food shopping together for the event. I made sure to get my s’more supplies. Jared helped Eric and Mack pack up Eric’s pick up with the tents and coolers and stuff. The only thing keeping me f...
I didn’t miss the death stares he cast toward John and me earlier. Of course, I defended with, ‘it’s the same as you attempting to hook up with Meggie.’ But in typical older brother fashion, he brushed it off. Between Bedford and my mother, I don’t know who is more over-protective. I thought by g...