Review - I think that A Perfect Match was better than The Baby Trail because it just got into the action faster. I think that's always a risk with first books in a series - they spend too long setting the scene. The humour was better in this book and more cleverly wound into the overall storyline...
Na jó, itt már tényleg abba kell hagyni a történetet. Az elején kicsit sokat vette el az előzmények ismertetése azok kedvéért, akik esetleg nem olvasták, vagy régebben volt szerencséjük a könyvhöz. Aztán meg túl sok lett a történetszál, Emma testvérei, barátnője és férjének problémái stb., s elég...
They were a complete haze of work, home, looking after Jess and crawling into bed. I obviously wasn’t doing a very good job of pretending everything was OK because on Thursday morning Jess looked up from her porridge and shouted, ‘Mum!’ ‘What?’ ‘I’ve asked you three times for money for my school ...
The attack had been planned for weeks and every able-bodied person was involved – women and men. It was a night-time attack, a final push to regain the land. Declan looked at Ben. Ben’s heart was pounding. ‘The first chance we get, we go,’ Declan whispered. Soon the tent was full of injured peopl...