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S.K. Falls books

S.K. Falls
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.72

Read Books by S.K. Falls


World of Shell and Bone (2012)

I liked the idea behind the book. Ryan succeeded in building the sense of opression, fear and suspicion in the office environment especially. However, I couldn't help feeling like this was a juvenile fiction piece attempting to portray subject-matter that was just too grown up for the writer's a...

World of Shell and Bone (2012) by S.K. Falls


BREAKDOWN 7. BREAKDOWN   It got darker as I drove home, although I hadn't thought it possible. With the trees clasping their hands over me, what little gray light the sky gave off was almost completely obscured. The bushes and other vegetation just looked like black shadows on the side of the nar...

Possession by S.K. Falls

Moon (Glimpsing Stars, 1.5) (2013)

It is why my mother chose the name for me. By the time of my birth, she was hoping for some sort of miracle. My older sister, Neptune, was already disappointing at five years old. She was born what Mother called a “pre-War thinker.” Neptune didn’t understand the concept of follo...

Moon (Glimpsing Stars, 1.5) (2013) by S.K. Falls

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