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Skye Genaro books

Skye Genaro
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Read Books by Skye Genaro


Echo Into Darkness: Book 2 in The Echo Saga (Teen Paranormal Romance)

He pulled out a set of keys and beeped the lock open on an older model Jeep. "Don't tell me you've got one of the Mutila tied up in your backseat," I joked. "Wish I did. I'd like to know what would happen if you had to face off against one of them. I'd like to bet my money on you." He pursed his ...

Echo Into Darkness: Book 2 in The Echo Saga (Teen Paranormal Romance) by Skye Genaro

Supernatural Summer

King slapped my physics test face down on my desk. I didn't need to flip the test over to tell me that studying had been a waste of time. I sensed, from the surge of disappointment coming off my teacher's aura, that my grade was awful. I kept my head down, letting my long chestnut hair fall aroun...

Supernatural Summer by Skye Genaro

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