This is a short and simple book. The simplistic nature of the advice and the kinda corny metaphor could be off-putting. but the heart of the message is very effective and worthy of close attention. I really connected with the idea that "hard times will either make you bitter or better". I've liv...
Excellent Book! i was really disappointed this time from spencer, the book seemed empty
The memories of the last day came flooding back as well as the sensation of an uncomfortable lump of earth below his shoulder blade. His head was still a little hazy so Kiyan chose to simply make the bump disappear rather than move. “Well, well, good morning sleepy head.” Luke's voice sent a twin...
Not readily recognizing the individual outside of the circle of light shed by his candle he returned to work. The visitor would introduce himself if he had any business to conduct. Being a cobbler in Warton was not a profitable occupation but it kept one from starvation. Or two for that matter. H...