The special border passes demanded by Nick worked perfectly and the thirty-two shooters of S3, plus the CIA contact and Mexican liaison made it to the team headquarters without trading rounds with the Godesto Cartel. Nick felt grateful that his first hurdle of sneaking across the border had been ...
Two Afghan police trucks were passing below on the road more than 1,300 yards away when Mushahid signaled his men to fire. The guns roared, their massive sounds echoing off the hills. The 12.7’s were comparable to the Browning .50 caliber machine gun used by the Americans since World War II. The ...
Still a bit cool, but sunny and beautiful. Nick sat inside a once plush, 1970s full-size van, watching the building where FBI Special Agent Jack Ward worked through the scope of his .308 rifle. The window of the rear door of the van had been knocked out the day prior, and Nick and his rifle were ...