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Stella Bagwell books

Stella Bagwell

Read Books by Stella Bagwell


The Best Christmas Ever (2005)

When Nick Gallagher returns to his hometown for his brother's Christmas wedding, the confirmed bachelor and military man has to exchange his usual army fatigues for the tux of a best man. Nick has never thought about settling down himself, but soon finds his attention straying...mostly to the ver...

The Best Christmas Ever (2005) by Stella Bagwell

The Tycoon's Tots

She had to show this man he didn’t scare her. The twins were hers! He couldn’t simply walk in and take them away from her! Her gaze didn’t waver as she met his cool gray eyes. “The twins are home, Mr. Sanders. Like I said earlier, they’re Murdocks, and the Bar M has been our home for more than th...

The Tycoon's Tots by Stella Bagwell

Christmas on the Silver Horn Ranch (2015)

Since then, the two men had been sitting in a pair of armchairs overlooking the busy ranch yard and talking about the family business. Bart had been subtly hinting at the prospect of Bowie becoming a part of ranch operations, but so far Bowie had managed to dodge any direct questions. Yet he real...

Christmas on the Silver Horn Ranch (2015) by Stella Bagwell

The Baby Truth

But that can’t be!”     Sassy Matthews stared in disbelief at the doctor standing at the side of the examination table. If the roof over her head had suddenly crashed in, she couldn’t have been more shocked.     The doctor gave her a kindly smile. “Why not?...

The Baby Truth by Stella Bagwell

The Rancher's Blessed Event (2011)

Many times in the past he’d ridden to this very spot where the sagebrush grew belly high to a horse and a lone pinon pine stood sentinel over the ranch below. However, this morning Cooper felt no joy as he looked down at the home that had been in the Dunn Family for more than a hundred years. The...

The Rancher's Blessed Event (2011) by Stella Bagwell

Millionaire on Her Doorstep (2011)

She hadn’t remembered having this much junk in her apartment back in Houston. From the looks of this room alone, Adam had been right, she thought. She needed help. But so far today, she’d neither seen nor heard from the man. Before she’d left the Sanders building that evening, Maureen had briefly...

Millionaire on Her Doorstep (2011) by Stella Bagwell

The Sheriff's Son

She and Charlie had survived for five years without Roy. They didn’t need him now. And he obviously didn’t need anybody but himself. Her face set with determination, she tied the bay to a nearby post and headed out of the barn. Where Roy was concerned, she’d been stupid six years ago. But she was...

The Sheriff's Son by Stella Bagwell

Christmas With the Mustang Man (2011)

With her arms still wrapped firmly around him, he ravaged her face and lips with kisses while his hands pushed off her cap and stabbed into the thick waves of her fiery hair. She wanted him. Every part of him. Over and over the chant raced through her mind until she could think of nothing but bei...

Christmas With the Mustang Man (2011) by Stella Bagwell

The Rancher's Bride

For a moment Rose hardly knew where they were or why. She was breathless and quivering and too stunned for words of any sort. “I’m sorry, Rose.” She forced her eyes to open and look at him. His mouth was grim but the desire to kiss it again was still with her and she wondered fa...

The Rancher's Bride by Stella Bagwell

Wearing the Rancher's Ring (2014)

A stack of sale negotiations was lying on Clancy’s desk, waiting for him to go over before he sent them to Jett’s office. Finn was expecting him to contact a dealer for a new horse walker and his dad was hounding him to make a trip to Ely to purchase another two hundred head of cows to put on Ant...

Wearing the Rancher's Ring (2014) by Stella Bagwell

The Doctor's Calling (2012)

As a result, three of the young heifers that had been prematurely bred needed assistance in calving. Thankfully, none of them needed cesareans, but all three births were difficult, requiring Russ and Laurel to do lots of physical pulling.     Between the birthing and tending t...

The Doctor's Calling (2012) by Stella Bagwell

Her Rugged Rancher (2016)

Dressed in a red-and-white sundress, with her hair pulled into a messy bun, she drove to Jett and Sassy’s to join the outdoor festivities.     She’d not been surprised to find a big crowd gathered at the back of the house, partaking of barbecued beef and all the trimmings, but...

Her Rugged Rancher (2016) by Stella Bagwell

Daddy Wore Spurs (Mills & Boon Cherish) (Men of the West, Book 32)

Later that evening as Finn drove the three of them over the western section of the ranch, his words continued to roll through Mariah’s thoughts. To imagine the two of them as Harry’s parents, even temporary ones, was bittersweet.     As a young girl growing up without a mother...

Daddy Wore Spurs (Mills & Boon Cherish) (Men of the West, Book 32) by Stella Bagwell

The Heiress and the Sheriff (1999)

Yet the sticky heat was the last thing on her mind as she strolled a short distance away from the ranch house. Getting outdoors was wonderful. Finally, after five days on the ranch, she was beginning to feel physically strong again, and so far this afternoon her head wasn’t hurting. If she contin...

The Heiress and the Sheriff (1999) by Stella Bagwell

Daddy's Double Duty (2011)

“Your father and grandmother will be ready to eat in thirty minutes. Will you be there?” his mother asked. “Uh…no.” Struggling to focus his thoughts back to the moment, he glanced over to Fiona. The woman had been working nonstop all day at Vanessa’s desk, yet she looked nearly as fresh as she ha...

Daddy's Double Duty (2011) by Stella Bagwell

His Texas Wildflower (2011)

Amusement slanted Jake’s lips. Even over the cell phone, he could hear the dismay in Quint’s voice. “To Gertie’s place. Or I guess I should be calling it Rebecca’s place. Since it belongs to her now.” As Jake motored his truck down the narrow, two-lane highway he could have counted at least twent...

His Texas Wildflower (2011) by Stella Bagwell

White Dove's Promise (2002)

Jared glanced down at the small animal carrier sitting on the truck seat beside him. The yellow tabby had caught his eye the first moment the volunteer worker at the shelter had shown him into the room of orphaned cats. His broad nose, proud tail and coarse voice had convinced Jared he would be t...

White Dove's Promise (2002) by Stella Bagwell

The Deputy's Lost and Found (2010)

At least, he believed it could be the one. The letter P merged with an F. The brand had been registered some forty years ago by a Francis Porter for Porter Farms. Whether Francis was a man or woman, or whether Porter Farms was still in existence, he didn’t yet know. But at least he had something ...

The Deputy's Lost and Found (2010) by Stella Bagwell

The Deputy Gets Her Man (2013)

Maybe that was because she had so much to occupy her mind. The more time she spent with Tyler, the stronger the pull she felt toward the man. He’d said they couldn’t ignore what was happening between them. But she needed to do more than ignore it. She needed to stop it.     It...

The Deputy Gets Her Man (2013) by Stella Bagwell

Cowboy to the Rescue (2009)

The band had carried away the last of their instruments, and now all that was left behind of Lex and Christina’s reception was a few family members, the mess and plenty of fond memories.Weary, but very contented, Geraldine wandered through the empty tables piled high with leftover food, dirty pla...

Cowboy to the Rescue (2009) by Stella Bagwell

The Cowboy And The Debutante (2011)

Although the limp in his right foreleg was slight, the swelling around his hoof and fetlock were marked enough to worry her. She motioned at the newly trained groom who was leading the horse around in a small circle so Anna could observe his gait. “That’s enough, Dale. Put him back in his stall.”...

The Cowboy And The Debutante (2011) by Stella Bagwell

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