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Steven A. McKay books

Steven A. McKay
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Read Books by Steven A. McKay


Wolf's Head (2013)

First of all, I have to say that I have been bewildered from a few (very few/minority) of reviews saying that the language is "inferior". The only way I can get my head around the very very few poor reviews that this book has received is that some people were heavily prejudiced by the fact that ...

Wolf's Head (2013) by Steven A. McKay

Knight of the Cross

“What are we to do, Father Vitus?” Foulques de Villaret, Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller, also known as the Knights of Rhodes, demanded. “We've only just taken full control of the island; my men are needed to maintain law and order and to make necessary repairs to the city. I'd rather not...

Knight of the Cross by Steven A. McKay

Rise of the Wolf

After they'd stripped the friar of his robe, brass pectoral cross and the coin purse de Faucumberg had given him, Little John had thrown the screaming man into the raging torrent of the River Rother. “If you're so close to our Lord he'll fish you out, or send one of his saints to do it,” the gian...

Rise of the Wolf by Steven A. McKay

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