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Sue Bentley

Read Books by Sue Bentley


A New Beginning

Lily told Storm, spreading an old coat in the bottom of her closet. “But when no one’s around, you can get on my bed.” Storm looked in the closet and then padded around her bedroom, sniffing everything and exploring. “This is a good place.” “Glad you like it!” Lily said, beaming at him. “Are you ...

A New Beginning by Sue Bentley

Magic Bunny: Classroom Capers

‘This … erm … shell’s mine. I-I just found it,’ she stammered.The girl grinned nastily. ‘Tough!’‘I’d do what Kelly says, if I were you,’ the dark-haired boy said.‘Yeah, you don’t want to get on the wrong side of her!’ said the other boy. He had curly hair and wore glasses.‘You heard Hitesh and De...

Magic Bunny: Classroom Capers by Sue Bentley

Muddy Paws (2010)

Rain pattered against the window and she could hear animal noises and voices outside. Gradually Beth recognized the attic bedroom in the Tail End Farm owned by her aunt and uncle. She was staying here while her parents were away. The room was still dark and a gust of wind sent more rain drumming ...

Muddy Paws (2010) by Sue Bentley

Double Trouble

Where a young white lion had stood just a minute ago now crouched a tiny silver kitten. “Uncle Ebony!” gasped the silver kitten, leaping behind a huge rock just as the shadow of an enormous adult lion fell across him. Flame’s tiny kitten heart beat fast as his uncle passed close by where he hid. ...

Double Trouble by Sue Bentley

Show-Jumping Dreams (2013)

The magic pony gave a whinny of excitement. It felt good to be home on Rainbow Mist Island. But his happiness lasted only a moment as he thought about his twin sister. Destiny had been lost for so long. Surely she must have returned safely by now. The scent of the sweet grass reminded Comet that ...

Show-Jumping Dreams (2013) by Sue Bentley

Sparkling Steps

I can’t believe how quickly the time’s gone. I’m looking forward to seeing you both. Bye, Mom. Give my love to Dad.” Olivia hung up the phone after speaking to her parents on Sunday afternoon. She turned to smile at Flame. “Mom and Dad love to hear all the news. I told them that we’ve started reh...

Sparkling Steps by Sue Bentley

A Forest Charm (1901)

Patches of snow still lay on the hillside, gleaming in the spring sunlight. Storm lifted his head. It felt good to breathe the cold air of his home. Suddenly, a terrifying howl rang out. “Shadow!” Storm gasped. The fierce lone wolf who had attacked the Moon-claw pack and wounded Storm’s mother wa...

A Forest Charm (1901) by Sue Bentley

Snowy Wishes (2013)

Her mom must have brought in the cute toy to cheer her up and then forgotten to tell her about it. She must be more affected by her seasickness than she’d realized—first she’d imagined floating on a sparkly bubble raft, and now she thought she’d heard this toy puppy speak to her! Robyn stood up a...

Snowy Wishes (2013) by Sue Bentley

A Glittering Gallop (2013)

Zoe finished explaining about Bracken. Her nana nodded, taking it all in, and then she smiled. “Well, I must say it’s nice to meet my new neighbors at last—even if it is in a rather unusual way! I was wondering who’d moved into the old barn buildings across the back field.” Todd smiled with relie...

A Glittering Gallop (2013) by Sue Bentley

Magic Reindeer: A Christmas Wish

As he lifted his head, his chocolate-brown eyes flashed with determination. It would be a long journey through the night sky to deliver presents to children all over the world. But Starshine had been practising by leaping high over the snow-covered trees into the night sky, and galloping among th...

Magic Reindeer: A Christmas Wish by Sue Bentley

Magic Kitten: A Circus Wish

As she went to brush it away, her fingers felt a set of whiskers.‘Good morning,’ Flame purred happily into her ear.‘Flame!’ It was her secret magic kitten! He was really here, living in her bedroom. Reaching for him, Sadie gave him a cuddle. ‘Did you sleep well?’Flame snuggled his warm little bod...

Magic Kitten: A Circus Wish by Sue Bentley

Star of the Show

“Shadow!” Storm gasped. The big, fierce lone wolf, who had attacked Storm’s wolf pack and left his mother wounded, was very close. Storm had to act fast. He decided to use his magic. Suddenly a dazzling flash of bright golden light and a shower of sparks filled the air. Where the young wolf had s...

Star of the Show by Sue Bentley

Magic Kitten: A Christmas Surprise

She gaped at Shona in horror.A thick layer of fake snow covered her from her neck to her waist. It was dripping off the ends of her long blonde hair and splatting on to the floor in soggy white blobs.‘Um, sorry…’ Molly said lamely.‘You stupid idiot!’ Shona howled. ‘Look at my hair! It’s ruined!’T...

Magic Kitten: A Christmas Surprise by Sue Bentley

Vacation Dreams (2013)

Mrs. Kelly had gone out after giving Becky strict orders not to move a muscle until all the sheets were done. “That woman is superscary. I bet she’ll tell on me to Uncle Den and insist that he grounds me! And how come she didn’t seem to notice I was holding you?” she asked Arrow, who sat in her l...

Vacation Dreams (2013) by Sue Bentley

Seaside Mystery (2013)

Flame knew that he must find some cover. It was too dangerous to be out in the open. Suddenly a terrifying roar rang out, and an enormous black adult lion rose from a clump of tall grass and bounded toward him. “Ebony!” Flame leaped behind a huge rock. There was a dazzling white flash and where h...

Seaside Mystery (2013) by Sue Bentley

Magic Ponies: A Special Wish

‘Destiny must be home safely by now!’ the young magic pony cried. His twin sister had been lost for so long.Spreading his gold-feathered wings, he soared downwards, speeding across the wide sea and galloping over the crests of the waves. Soon, Rainbow Mist Island came into view. Its mountains and...

Magic Ponies: A Special Wish by Sue Bentley

Magic Kitten: Moonlight Mischief

A big log fire burned in the grate. Leaves, whipped up by the breeze, were blowing past outside the window.‘I suppose I’d better go and give Mum and Dad a hand,’ she said, reluctantly pushing herself to her feet. ‘I’d much rather stay here with you, Flame. But I’m on my best behaviour for the nex...

Magic Kitten: Moonlight Mischief by Sue Bentley

Magic Puppy: Cloud Capers

She must be more upset by Gayle’s unfriendliness than she thought. She’d just imagined that the tiny puppy had spoken to her!‘I am Storm of the Moon-claw pack. What is your name?’ the puppy yapped, looking up at her with an intelligent expression.‘Whoa! You can talk!’ Jessica gasped, dropping the...

Magic Puppy: Cloud Capers by Sue Bentley

Winter Wonderland #5 (2013)

Preeti wasn’t sure how long Grandma, Mom, and Viren would stay at Mr. Linford’s house, and she hoped they would get back before they returned. On the way, they cut through some narrow lanes and alleyways and finally emerged at the far side of the park, a short way from the frozen lake. A group of...

Winter Wonderland #5 (2013) by Sue Bentley

Magic Bunny: Dancing Days

It had big chocolate-brown eyes and they seemed to be twinkling with tiny rainbows. Sara’s eyes widened as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. She must be more shaken up by her fall than she thought. She was imagining the oddest things!Sara watched as the cute bunny hopped closer t...

Magic Bunny: Dancing Days by Sue Bentley

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