UGH! I totally loved this book as of page 150 or so! At the beginning you find out about this really interesting research that showed that feeding milk protein (casein) to rats encouraged them to develop cancerous growths after the rats had been exposed to a carcinogen called aflatoxin, and the ...
This also means that very little or no useful information is obtained by including the values of all the individuals in the county. There is only one disease rate for each county; thus it is only necessary to have one number for any of the variables being compared with the disease rate. &nb...
—JAMES W. DOUGLASS When I began my research career in nutritional science, I was naïve to a fault. My childhood environment of hay fields and milking barns did not prepare me for the dark side of “science” as it is currently done: the greed, the small-mindedness, and the outright dishonesty and c...