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T. J. O'Connor books

T. J. O'Connor
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Read Books by T. J. O'Connor


Dying for the Past (2014)

W. Simon Hahn—“W” for worm—stood in Angel’s university office, in front of her desk, shaking his finger at her like a student caught cheating on a test. “It’s been bad enough you’ve developed a reputation—”     “A reputation?” Angel’s voice rose in both octave and volume. “Wha...

Dying for the Past (2014) by T. J. O'Connor

Dying to Tell (2015)

I found her at my favorite coffee house, where she’d just arrived after a walk with Hercule. Hercule didn’t much care for leashes, mind you, but he loved the café’s blueberry muffins and the owners loved him.     A few months ago, Angel had been sitting outside at the café whe...

Dying to Tell (2015) by T. J. O'Connor

Dying to Know

No drugs or nothin’. We were trying to get Annie outa this damn place—outa this neighborhood. He worked odd jobs everywhere he could find ‘em. Sometimes he painted houses. Sometimes he mowed grass or somethin’. I dunno where this last one was. His friend got him a few hours a week—you know, just ...

Dying to Know by T. J. O'Connor

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