I wanted to see him right this second, but I knew pushing him was a bad idea. If space was what he needed, then I would give him space. I tried to focus on now. The hours weren’t going to pass any quicker because I was obsessing over them. I stopped staring blankly at the ...
“You’re awake.” Caleb sat to the side of me. He was smiling but his eyes were guarded and heavy. “Hey,” I managed to whisper. My mouth was too dry to speak properly. Getting up and disappearing from the room, he returned a few seconds later with a small plastic cup of water and ice chips. He help...
The transmission sputtered under me. Caleb uncrossed his arms from over his chest and stood up straight, after leaning against the wall of the garage for the past ten minutes just watching me. “It’s the clutch,” he said. I wiped the back of my hand across my brow and blew ...