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Tamsyn Bester books

Tamsyn Bester
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Books: 6 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.31

Read Books by Tamsyn Bester


Beneath Your Beautiful (2013)

2 starsGray: I'm in love with you HuntleyHunt: You can't be Gray. How can you love something that is broken? (WTF?!?! What an awful line!)The prologue was good but from the first chapter and onwards, I just breezed through it and just focused on the conversations... I got bored... :(I've read a s...

Beneath Your Beautiful (2013) by Tamsyn Bester

Precious Consequences (2013)

Precious Consequences was a sweet and heart-warming story with a very important message -- that one can turn a bad decision or mistake into blessings; that no matter the severity of your situation, you must always take responsibility for your actions, be positive and make the best of the situatio...

Precious Consequences (2013) by Tamsyn Bester

Destined to Fall (2014)

Our 4 Star ReviewCassey has worked hard to get to where she is today. Working at Knight Media she doesn't want to do anything that might ruin her job. But when Kyler knight starts working for his father in preparation for taking over the company how long can she last before giving into the undeni...

Destined to Fall (2014) by Tamsyn Bester

Blurred Lines

For someone who just had an orgasm, she looked pretty pissed.     “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it,” I said, carefully judging her reaction. “But I think we should get a house before the baby comes.”     Jade pushed me away, and started righting h...

Blurred Lines by Tamsyn Bester

Playing Pretend

I rolled over, aware that my entire body ached as if I’d been hit by a wrecking ball - it might have been in the proverbial sense, but that didn’t lessen the damage. She was cleaning. That wasn’t good. “Mom?” My voice was so hoarse I barely recognized it. “You’re up,” she replied. She came over t...

Playing Pretend by Tamsyn Bester

All of Me (All of Me #1)

Paige says. She looks up at me with a reassuring smile. Paige Matthews is the Editorial Assistant for HarperCollins in Chicago, and she’s been a family friend for years. Two days after what I now call ‘the incident’ with Jason, I pulled myself out of my self-loathing stupor and sent her my book. ...

All of Me (All of Me #1) by Tamsyn Bester

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