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Teresa Edgerton books

Teresa Edgerton
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Read Books by Teresa Edgerton


The Queen's Necklace (2001)

The age of nightmare and cruel enslavement is so far in the past that few believe it was anything more than a myth. But hidden in the shadows, the vengeful remnants of the Goblin master race recall their former glory all too vividly. And their dread re-ascendance is at hand.The ensorceled gems th...

The Queen's Necklace (2001) by Teresa Edgerton

Goblin Moon (1991)

Strange things happen under the Goblin Moon . . .Tidewaters rise, earthquakes rumble, and hobgoblins crawl out from their dens. A coffin drifts slowly down the river Lunn—in it, a spellbound sorcerer and his forbidden books of magic. A masked man disrupts the hideous rituals of the Knights of Mez...

Goblin Moon (1991) by Teresa Edgerton

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