Banned upon its initial publication, the now-classic Candy is a romp of a story about the impossibly sweet Candy Christian, a wide-eyed, luscious, all-American girl. Candy –– a satire of Voltaire’s Candide –– chronicles her adventures with mystics, sexual analysts, and everyone she meets when she...
Blue Movie is a satirical novel by Terry Southern about the making of a high-budget pornographic film. The story line follows the celebrated cinematic auteur Boris Adrian, "King B", who undertakes The Faces of Love, an episodic film with high budget production values that will explicitly depict t...
One of the funniest, cruelest, and most savagely revealing books about American life ever written, The Magic Christian has been called Terry Southern's masterpiece. Guy Grand is an eccentric billionaire — the last of the big spenders — determined to create disorder in the material world and willi...
“The white boy walked on over to one side of the shed where the kindling was stacked and pulled down an old sheet of newspaper which he shook out to full size and spread in front of the Negro. He dumped the gray-grass contents of the pillowcase onto the paper, and then straightened up to stand wi...
Terry Southern, who has written some of Hollywood's best screenplays, including Easy Rider and Dr. Strangelove, returns with a new novel about 12-year-old Harold, whoseed hand. C.K. works for Harold's father, and he introduces Harold to the exciting, mysterious world of a different culture.
EICHNER reached 8th Sessions antechamber, he was more than ten minutes late, and the Hearing had already begun. He was admitted at once by a shabbily uniformed attendant who gave him a strange look as he quietly opened the courtroom door. Here was a small amphitheater of the kind in use in most E...