When I first laid my eyes on this book, it looked formidable. There were 700 pages of closely-spaced small font, coupled with numerous graphs and several numbers and percentages thrown in on almost every other page. I felt there was no way I was going to get past the first chapter, let alone read...
Un'opera che davvero aggiorna l'idea di pensiero economico centrato sui temi della giustizia e dell'equitá. Non belle parole ma dati. Dati veri. E la chiave di lettura di questa montagna di dati, per capire come funzionano le dinamiche dei capitali.La lettura di questo librone non é proprio sempl...
I started reading this book in August while I was traveling in Africa, I just finished on New Year's Eve back in NYC, which seems appropriate. as the book's scope is really global, as Piketty constructs a really rigorous, data-based model for how capitalism actually works, with a particular focus...
Really dense, really interesting, really important. Fascinating book about concentration of wealth being a naturally occurring phenomenon that does society no good. Maybe neutral maybe bad. The book is very repetitive but given the density of the material' that is a blessing not a curse. The only...
Net Capital in the twenty-first Century van Thomas Piektty gelezen.In dit boek beschrijft de Franse econoom de inkomensongelijkheid in de moderne maatschappij, maar nog meer de veel grotere ongelijkheid in de verdeling van vermogen (rijkdom). Hij doet dit op een zuiver macro-economische manier. H...