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T.N. Baker books

T.N. Baker
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Read Books by T.N. Baker


Still Sheisty (Sheisty series, #2) (2004)

Some things change - and then again, some things don't. You can never take the hood out of the homegirl. In this sequel to T.N. Baker's "Sheisty, "we find Epiphany, Keisha and Shana still trickin' for dough, still running off at the mouth and still being Sheisty. However, as they will soon see, w...

Still Sheisty (Sheisty series, #2) (2004) by T.N. Baker

Sheisty (Sheisty series, #1) (2004)

Epiphany Wright, Keisha Moore and Shana Scott spent their teenage years as the best of friends growing up in the hood of Southside Jamaica Queens. Now as adults, their friendship is put to the test when envy, built up animosity, hidden betrayal and the bad boys in their lives cause havoc. Every d...

Sheisty (Sheisty series, #1) (2004) by T.N. Baker

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