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Tom Kratman books

Tom Kratman
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Read Books by Tom Kratman


A State of Disobedience (2005)

In the long war against terrorism, the US Government had taken on extraordinary powers. And now that the war was won, powerful forces in the government had no intention of relinquishing those powers. As in 1860, the country was on the verge of civil war. And as in 1860, a leader arose to save the...

A State of Disobedience (2005) by Tom Kratman

A Desert Called Peace (2007)

Five hundred years from now, humankind has found a link to a remarkably Earth-like planet and settled there, dividing ?as humans will -- into dozens of nation-states. The Federated States of Columbia has consolidated power and risen against the oppression of Earth's corrupt Caliphate. But when Sa...

A Desert Called Peace (2007) by Tom Kratman

Countdown: H Hour

—Dr. Samuel Johnson MV Richard Bland, Laccadive Sea, southeast of the Maldives Even from the top of the superstructure, no land was in sight. Neither were there any ships of any size. There were a couple of fishing boats, small things, probably family owned and operated. But those were far away a...

Countdown: H Hour by Tom Kratman

Countdown: M Day

The sun was long down and the mosquitoes having a feast and he was still talking.I know he likes to talk, thought Larralde, like the rest of the commanders and staff of the battalion, standing at attention as Hugo Chavez went into his third hour of continuous tongue lashing with no sign of flaggi...

Countdown: M Day by Tom Kratman

Countdown: The Liberators-ARC

-Anonymous, "Blood on the Risers" D-1, three miles north-northeast of Nugaal, Ophir "You all right, Little Joe?" Welch asked of the swaying Tex-Mex with the pack on his back and a chute rolled up and carried in his arms. Terry's pack was on his back, chute over his shoulder. He carried a stubby a...

Countdown: The Liberators-ARC by Tom Kratman

Come and Take Them-eARC

By the arms of Thebes was Megalopolis encircled with walls, And all Greece won independence and freedom. —Inscription on the tomb of Epaminondas, Pausanius IX, 15, 6 Parade Field, Epaminondas Caserne, Ciudad Balboa, Balboa, Terra Nova The caserne, formerly a police barracks outside the southern o...

Come and Take Them-eARC by Tom Kratman

Big Boys Don't Cry

The human doesn’t seem to be listening. They rarely do; they don’t know us anymore. Neither do they care about us. Eventually the general uses the command required to shut Leo up. We were halted, but after the general’s command Leo gives directions, in brief, focused bursts of encrypted and compr...

Big Boys Don't Cry by Tom Kratman

The Rods and the Axe - eARC

KissingerLog Base Alpha (so called), Balboa, Terra NovaOne of the gunners sat atop his gun’s container, dipping his chorley bread in a hot sauce composed of somewhat diluted Joan of Arc pepper. These were one of the milder peppers found on Terra Nova, though not especially mind, in objective term...

The Rods and the Axe - eARC by Tom Kratman

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