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Tom Wolfe books

Tom Wolfe
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Read Books by Tom Wolfe


I am Charlotte Simmons (2005)

Halfway through Tom Wolfe's enormous new novel about contemporary college life, I finally devised a question to keep my interest piqued: "Is it humanly possible," I wondered, "to write another 100 pages - another 200 pages, another 300 pages - without describing a single surprising event?"It is.W...

I am Charlotte Simmons (2005) by Tom Wolfe

The Bonfire of the Vanities (2001)

I hope Tom Wolfe has gotten so laid because of this book. I hope women have put down this book, thrown on some lingerie, and walked over to his apartment – unless Wolfe is gay, in which case, I hope men have done the lingerie thing. I hope women (or men) invented a time machine to travel back i...

The Bonfire of the Vanities (2001) by Tom Wolfe

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1999)

After finishing Back to Blood, I felt curious about Tom Wolfe's beginnings. My beginning with Tom Wolfe was reading The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test in 1969. I married my first husband in April of that year and we set out on our "honeymoon" which was really a glorified road trip across the country...

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1999) by Tom Wolfe

The Purple Decades - A Reader (1987)

The Purple Decades brings together the author's own selections from his list of critically acclaimed publications, including the complete text of Mau-Mauing and the Flak Catchers, his account of the wild games the poverty program encouraged minority groups to play.

The Purple Decades - A Reader (1987) by Tom Wolfe

The Right Stuff (2001)

The subject itself gives this book a lot of appeal- who doesn't want to read about fighter jocks of old battling and beating government bureaucracy? It makes one long for the days when a man could still drink a six pack of beer, put on his aviators, wink knowingly to his superior and climb compet...

The Right Stuff (2001) by Tom Wolfe

Hooking Up

In the audience were hundreds of Japanese art students. The occasion was the opening of a show of the work of four of the greatest American illustrators of the twentieth century: Seymour Chwast, Paul Davis, Milton Glaser, and James McMullan, the core of New York’s fabled Pushpin Studio. The show ...

Hooking Up by Tom Wolfe

The Purple Decades (2011)

The black panther has black feet. Black feet on the crumbling black panther. Pan-thuh. Mee-dah. Pam Stacy, 16 years old, a cute girl here in La Jolla, California, with a pair of orange bell-bottom hip-huggers on, sits on a step about four steps down the stairway to the beach and she can see a pai...

The Purple Decades (2011) by Tom Wolfe

The Kingdom of Speech (2016)

In fact, very high barely says it. The man was…in…orbit. He had made over an entire field of study in his own likeness and put his name on it. If anybody brought up the subject of linguistics, two words inevitably followed: Noam Chomsky. After all, in 2002, so old (at seventy-three) he was alread...

The Kingdom of Speech (2016) by Tom Wolfe

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