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Trevor H. Cooley books

Trevor H. Cooley
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Read Books by Trevor H. Cooley


Eye of the Moonrat (2012)

I really enjoyed this book, and recommend with ease! As a genre I was getting a little tired of it, and so begun this with a sense of 'here we go again'. But I was pleasantly surprised.It wasn't full of the usual exotic and absurd names that you struggle to keep up with, get confused by and su...

Eye of the Moonrat (2012) by Trevor H. Cooley

Tarah Woodblade

The dwarf was brutally efficient. Each blow of his heavy mace not only crushed bone, it tore free chunks of flesh leaving his opponent a broken and bloody mess. Tarah shivered at the savagery of it. She saw an arrow clang off of the dwarf’s helmet and scanned the area. Two goblin archers were on ...

Tarah Woodblade by Trevor H. Cooley

Protector Of The Grove (Book 2)

She found herself sitting back at the table. Their frozen moment was over and everyone’s eyes were on her once again. From the worried look on Djeri’s face, that frozen moment had been longer than a moment. “How long were we like that?” she asked. “You two was lookin’ into each other’s eyes fer n...

Protector Of The Grove (Book 2) by Trevor H. Cooley

The Ogre Apprentice

His mind churned as he sped down the road, forcing Squirrel to cling to his shoulder and leaving startled students in his wake. His father? It wasn’t possible. Crag was dead. The Thunder People were destroyed. This had to be some sort of trick, but why? Why would ogres come to the school looking ...

The Ogre Apprentice by Trevor H. Cooley

The Bowl of Souls: Book 05 - Mother of the Moonrat (2013)

We are under attack!” Fist told the students as he ran after Darlan. His grip on his mace increased his speed and he knocked a few startled classmates aside, but he didn’t have time for apologies. Squirrel sat on his shoulder, shaking a tiny fist at the students too slow to get out of the way. &n...

The Bowl of Souls: Book 05 - Mother of the Moonrat (2013) by Trevor H. Cooley

The Bowl of Souls: Book 01.5 - Hilt's Pride

He gestured at the meat on the spit. The snake was a golden brown on the edges and the bits of fat in the squirrel meat popped and sizzled as it dripped into the fire.  “Time to eat,” Hilt said.  Beth was famished and the smell had been making her mouth water for a while. The herbs the elf had ru...

The Bowl of Souls: Book 01.5 - Hilt's Pride by Trevor H. Cooley

The Troll King (The Bowl of Souls Book 9)

Curious ogres gathered around and gossip was exchanged. Stories were passed along about the return of Fist and the gwatch he rode and the four ogres he had cleansed from evil.   When the central camp of the Thunder People came into view, Fist paused for a moment to take it in. Everything looked f...

The Troll King (The Bowl of Souls Book 9) by Trevor H. Cooley

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