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Tricia Stringer books

Tricia Stringer
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Read Books by Tricia Stringer


Riverboat Point

His first thought was Savannah. What must she think? He’d said he’d be home for dinner last night and he hadn’t turned up. He glanced once more towards Savannah’s place. It was unlikely she’d appreciate a visitor at this early hour. He took Jasper for a walk instead. He felt bad in many ways but ...

Riverboat Point by Tricia Stringer

Dust on the Horizon

Blood stained the ground around it. It was a fresh kill but already the flies crawled all over it. He slid from the saddle and moved closer. No smell yet but the heat of early January would bring on the decay quickly. He looked up as Binda came through the bush from the other direction. “Dingo.” ...

Dust on the Horizon by Tricia Stringer

Right As Rain

She and Cam had spent the day doing the last follow-ups from crutching and getting crossbreeds ready for market. She’d been on edge, watching his every move, trying not to be too obvious. Finally, he’d finished and gone for the weekend. Now she was at the Gatehouse alone and unable to relax. One ...

Right As Rain by Tricia Stringer

Between the Vines

Pete guided Taylor that way with their drinks. “What do you feel like eating?” He handed her a menu. “Their meals are all good but I can recommend their pies. My favourite is the beef and Guinness but the chicken’s good too.” “You’ve sold me on the beef and Guinness and I’m happy to pay for my me...

Between the Vines by Tricia Stringer

Heart of the Country

Already at the tree were three men. Two of them, he could see, were so like Samuel and Jacob they had to be the other two brothers, the only visible difference being Samuel and Jacob were fair like Lizzie and their mother and these other two had dark brown hair like George. Thomas couldn’t see th...

Heart of the Country by Tricia Stringer

Queen of the Road (2012)

Angela stretched and pulled back a corner to look out. The storm had passed in the night and pink rays from the sun now tinged the cloudy sky. She eased herself from the bunk – careful not to wake Claudia – pulled on some clothes and climbed out of the truck. The crisp air made her shiver. She dr...

Queen of the Road (2012) by Tricia Stringer

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