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Vanessa Gray Bartal books

Vanessa Gray Bartal
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Read Books by Vanessa Gray Bartal


Morning Cup of Murder (2011)

Lacy Steele returns to her hometown after a bad breakup with her ex who strangely enough gets together with her sister, Riley. Things don't get better in Mudville when Lacy's grandmother is arrested for murder! Lacy can't understand why the detective of the police force is trying so hard to impli...

Morning Cup of Murder (2011) by Vanessa Gray Bartal

The Pajama Affair

After all, she would not only have to face him she would have to get by Heidi. Today wasn’t the day to feel inferior to his secretary. When she arrived, she had to marshal all her reserves to face the overbearing woman. “Did you have an appointment?” Heidi asked. “No.” Heidi smiled triumphantly. ...

The Pajama Affair by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Class Reunion of Murder

They weren’t exactly new best friends, but neither did Travis look like he might need an IV for dehydration any time soon. Kimber must have convinced him she was harmless due to lack of interest because they returned, sat, and didn’t say another word to each other. A few minutes later, some of Tr...

Class Reunion of Murder by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Slumbered to Death

Her car was due for its quarterly oil change. “It’s nice of that boy to offer to drop off your car at Ben’s house when he’s done with it,” Abby said.  “It is, isn’t it?” Sadie agreed. It was the sort of arrangement of which Gideon would not approve. You treat men like they were born to serve you,...

Slumbered to Death by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Vanessa Gray Bartal - Lacy Steele 07 - Icy Grip of Murder

When they found it, the door was locked. Jason stepped back with a flourish. “Do your thing,” he said to Michael. “How is this not breaking and entering?” Michael asked. “Because the occupant is dead and she didn’t own it anyway,” Jason said. “That doesn’t make sense,” Michael said. “Because I’m ...

Vanessa Gray Bartal - Lacy Steele 07 - Icy Grip of Murder by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Christmas Steele

By eleven, she was asleep, and she woke by eight the next morning, feeling good about getting into a routine again. She ate a quiet breakfast with her parents and grandmother. She hoped the stillness was a positive sign, but she had the feeling it was a bad omen, as if her mother were saving all ...

Christmas Steele by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Family Case of Murder

The flight was perfect. We have your luggage. The rental car is secured. Check, check, check—we’re on our way.” Jason was being Mr. Optimist, but Lacy was having a hard time following suit. “Let’s talk about last night,” she said. “Wait, you sound angry. And we’ve been together all morning, which...

Family Case of Murder by Vanessa Gray Bartal

4 Arch Enemy of Murder

Tosh asked.  “What time is it?” Lacy asked.   “A little before five.”  “Sure.” Since she usually began her day at six, and since she didn’t envision being able to go back to sleep anytime soon, she might as well eat. They went to the diner where they had gone a year ago when they first met.   “Th...

4 Arch Enemy of Murder by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Ladies' Circle of Murder (A Lacy Steele Mystery Book 8)

It smelled the same as every car shop Lacy had ever entered. Just once she would like to drop off a car and be surprised by the scent of gardenias. “Be with you ladies in a minute,” a disembodied male voice called. They could see the lower half of him sticking out beneath a blue Buick.“No problem...

Ladies' Circle of Murder (A Lacy Steele Mystery Book 8) by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Building Blocks of Murder

Sheila Whitaker asked as she released Lacy from a bear hug. “I’m just so happy.” Without giving her time to answer her previous question, she grabbed Lacy’s hands in a death grip and continued speaking. “Listen, I know it feels like we’re alone in this fight, but we’re not. We have friends. Big, ...

Building Blocks of Murder by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Last Resort of Murder (A Lacy Steele Mystery Book 9)

The one sport Tosh was good at was skiing, so he had no trouble keeping up with Jason, Michael, and Clint. The four of them worked their way up to the hardest course. It wasn’t on par with an Olympic course, but it was fairly challenging for a health resort. They skipped lunch in favor of skiing,...

Last Resort of Murder (A Lacy Steele Mystery Book 9) by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Salvaged to Death

She struggled, but to no avail.  He was bigger, stronger, and already on top of her. The advantage was his in every way. “What do you want?” she asked, but he didn’t answer. He simply stared at her, eyes narrowed on her face as if trying to read her. Sadie didn’t want him to see who she really wa...

Salvaged to Death by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Pecked to Death

“Why?”  “Because I’m not wearing any clothes,” she said.  He put his hands over his ears. Why did she insist on stuffing images into his brain? “Sadie!”  “You asked,” she said.  “I meant why should I stay here until you get dressed, not why do you need to get dressed. Can we have one conversation...

Pecked to Death by Vanessa Gray Bartal

Wedding Day of Murder

The sickening baby-fresh scent was overwhelming. She slicked it back off her face and tucked it behind her ears. For once in her life, she planned to take her mother’s advice and avoid the public eye until all the paint and oil were gone. A knock on her door a few minutes after Jason’s departure ...

Wedding Day of Murder by Vanessa Gray Bartal

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