The second installment in the Nobles series introduces the adventures of many striking new characters, who do battle to the death--and beyond--in the Forgotten Realms setting. Original. 75,000 first printing.
Common small pterosaurs; up to 9 centimeters long and wingspans of 50 centimeters. Short tails, short muzzles with needlelike teeth; insectivorous. Like almost all fliers, covered in short fur. —THE BOOK OF TRUE NAMES The road marched at an angle up one side of a narrow, d...
A small, fuzzy-feathered, meat-eating dinosaur; 1 kilogram, 1 meter long. Native to Alemania, but common throughout the Empire, and indeed on many continents of Paradise, apparently introduced by traders and travelers, as pets or simply stowaways. Sly and shy, it feeds on tiny animals such as liz...