3.75 stars! How am I not sick of the one night stand pregnancy storyline, you ask? It might be because although there are plenty of duds, sometimes you come across ones that are as fun and endearing as this one. Jake is a genuinely good guy and spends a lot of time making up for the mistakes he m...
Harris?” Meredith was standing in front of the large windows inside the kitchen at Tall Pines. She was trying not to look as though she were dying for a glimpse of Gage. She had gone through Gage withdrawal this last week. She crossed her arms and squinted against the sett...
It was even better than he remembered. And sadly, this pink disaster he was going to have to drive was even worse than he’d thought. Five minutes later, he was stopped at Red River’s only set of traffic lights. He stared straight ahead, not wanting to make eye contact with...
Jackson was sprawled on the couch next to her, his legs crossed at the ankles, looking bored out of his mind. He caught her eye and held up a finger to his temple, pretending to pull the imaginary trigger with his thumb. Hannah frowned disapprovingly at him. How could he not like this couple? &nb...