It had been a hard night, a cold and cheerless one in their rude, makeshift shelter, but he took solace in the knowledge that it would be his last night in the wilds for the foreseeable future.He shared a few meager strips of smoked beef with his guide, who, ten days into their journey, was every...
Instead of travelling through the heavily forested wilds this time with only a taciturn native guide for company, he’d been able to ride through the mountain passes without much trouble. The mule-drawn carts containing the silver and their gear occasionally ran into difficulty, but with thirty fo...
His thighs were chafed raw, his entire body ached, and he had neither slept nor eaten much in the last three days. Nevertheless, he held his head high and sat erect on his horse despite what the effort cost him. General Varus was determined to bring the Merethaimi army to battle, and every man in...