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Wendy S. Hales books

Wendy S. Hales
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.14

Read Books by Wendy S. Hales


Immortal Becoming (2012)

I wanted to like this book. I am about 70% through the book and I am not sure that I can finish it. The H/h were told that if they sacrifice their mating that would result in their destined first born daughter they could save women who are being forced into breeding. They were given less than 5 m...

Immortal Becoming (2012) by Wendy S. Hales

Mayan Lover

Her carefree laughter turned heads and brought smiles to everyone in the encampment. She was full of life, joy, and light that flowed into those lucky enough to dwell in her midst. There was no escape from the pressure in his loins. Even his dreams were filled with her. Since she never said a wor...

Mayan Lover by Wendy S. Hales

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