Vanessa had patted his cheek and said, “Baby, you’re scaring your sister. Also, your son needs to be changed, and I just pushed him out of a far-too-small hole earlier today so you’re changing diapers all day—and maybe every day because they don’t smell as bad to you.” Dan...
and ended with “damn, damn bastard” after running through his entire knowledge of profanity. And then he kicked it. Again and again. Sammy cleared her throat beside him. “I’m pretty sure that particular fence post will never do anything wrong again. It’s good and sorry. Wo...
“Hello?” “Is this a good time?” He sounded nervous. That was good. He wouldn’t sound nervous if he was hoping to stomp on her heart. “Yes, this is fine. I just got home from carving pumpkins with my nieces. One of them carved a Jaws’ shark, and the other carved a face with a knife sticking out it...