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William D. Arand books

William D. Arand
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Read Books by William D. Arand


Otherlife Nightmares: The Selfless Hero Trilogy

Somehow he managed to take slow and even breaths despite his mind being a frenzy of activity. No plan survives first contact with the enemy. You said it yourself. “Do you trust Hannah?” Thana’s voice whispered against his ear. She was so close her lips had brushed against his earlobe. Shaken from...

Otherlife Nightmares: The Selfless Hero Trilogy by William D. Arand

Otherlife Dreams: The Selfless Hero Trilogy

This was now the time to act. It was the best chance they had to sneak through successfully, with the most guards out on patrol, and the least inside. Hannah was pressed into his back as they waited near by. Runner did his best to ignore her, it wasn’t every day you practically wore another perso...

Otherlife Dreams: The Selfless Hero Trilogy by William D. Arand

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