Yes, finally. A book with talking animals that I prefer over the legendary Watership Down. YES. THERE. I SAID IT. OH MAN OH GOD OH MAN.A book about talking animals that seem rather unremarkable and harmless in reality, but that are given a wonderful own world of their own, an own history and myth...
I have a thing for animal stories. It is no doubt due to the fact that I read Watership Down at a very young age; I read the cover off that book. Most writers that get advertised as heirs to Richard Adams in the genre tend not to live up to the hype. Those that do, like Brian Jacques, tend to ...
The Book of Silence triology will always be my favorite Duncton series simply due to the fact that I read it first. This installment reviews the rest of Privet and Rooster's back story, Wilhelm's parentage is revealed (to everyone but him), friends are lost and found, and a friend from the first...
This is the sequel to the book Duncton Wood, where William Horwood first introduced the idea of moles and told us the tale of Rebecca and Bracken. Here we pick up the story with their son, Tryfan. We journey with him as he learns his task for the Stone; as he watches the rise of the Word and evil...
So here we are - the last of six books chronicling the turbulent lives of moles that live by the Stone and strive to seek Silence. I can't say it's been the most gripping journey, particularly the three books that comprise the 'Book of Silence' but I am pleased to report that this third book at l...
Brace, I'm about to get scathing. Oh boy, I'm about to give my lowest rating of the entire year. And what book deserves this dubious honour? Duncton Found, by William Horwood, the third book in the Duncton Chronicles trilogy. In this book the Stone Mole has come, to lead moledom back to grace and...
They quickly erected a tarpaulin to protect both themselves and their fire from the rain while they had breakfast. Jack was given the menial task of collecting water and firewood, while Pike and Barklice, expert campers, arranged things so that the rain poured off their temporary cover first as a...
He slowly opened his eyes to find his head supported by the softest of down pillows, encased in the finest of linen pillowcases, and his hands resting upon the crispest and whitest of turned-down sheets, beyond which, ruffled only by his now blissfully cool legs and feet, was a quilted eiderdown...
Where there had been placid pools before there were rapids now, and it seemed prudent to leave behind the smaller boat, securely tied and hidden in the undergrowth, to be reclaimed on their return. The River roared so loud at times, and the banks on either side loomed so h...
He was therefore surprised to find, considering it was a weekday morning, that the only sign of life was at the Public House across the way.Its windows were lit by the flickering lights of candle and fire, and its paint was peeling, but its half-open door offered some kind of welcome to strangers...
Having enjoyed a lingering lunch by the fireside, they were now making the most of the Indian summer by watching the River drift by in this companionable way.“Do you know, Mole,” observed the Rat, “I cannot now remember a time when we did not know each other, and were constantly able to look forw...
She brought order and calm to his life, established the routine of a healthy diet, daily exercise, sleep and no visitors. Try as they might, his friends Master Brief and Mister Pike could not get past the goodwife, who kept the door on a chain, eyed them beadily and claimed, ‘My master is not yet...
. . Niklas Blut, Emperor of the Hyddenworld, drummed his fingers impatiently on the metal top of the desk in his new, but he hoped temporary, office. He had no intention of staying there for a second longer than he needed to, meanwhile . . . Tappity...