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Wolfgang Koeppen books

Wolfgang Koeppen
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Read Books by Wolfgang Koeppen


The Hothouse (2001)

Brilliant. Four-and-a-half stars. How I subcutaneously shivered with each recognition of a Keetenheuve who was me and/or that from within me which constituted a part of Keetenheuve: solipsistic self-absorption resonating in the Key of I Minor, the ego as it's shown inside the other. No matter the...

The Hothouse (2001) by Wolfgang Koeppen

Death in Rome (2011)

He was praying in his chapel, the small private chapel in his apartment in the Vatican, he was kneeling on the purple-carpeted altar steps, the crucified Christ gazing down on him from one painting, the Mother of God looking at him from another, St Peter peering down at him from the clouds. The P...

Death in Rome (2011) by Wolfgang Koeppen

A Sad Affair

The handles on doors and windows were grimy, and an acrid paste coated the hands of the passengers who had hauled themselves aloft, and from there, via involuntary gestures of impatience, their faces, which bore dark streaks so that they resembled half-finished masks. The inside of the carriage l...

A Sad Affair by Wolfgang Koeppen

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