That was Obed.“We won’t risk you,” Torchay said at the same moment.“That wasn’t the plan.” Joh still watched her, had never stopped. “You don’t see him until we’re ready to leave Turysh. Are we ready?”“Maybe you could see him through your sister’s eyes,” Viyelle said. “Like you did last night.”Kallista was shaking her head already. “No, they know Karyl. They’re already watching her. We don’t want to make them any more suspicious.”“But would it work?” Viyelle insisted.“I don’t know. I’ve never been able to do that before. I don’t know if I could see what needs seeing.”“Well, what is that? What is it you need to see?” Torchay sounded on the edge of his infinite patience.“Demons. I need to see—” Kallista hugged herself. “He’s been property before. When he lost his caste, they made him nothing, and he survived. He knows how to survive. Maybe that’s all this is. Trying to survive by playing a part.”“But if it’s not?”