Then she sat down by the fire. Her hair was so curly that she had to finger-comb the strands to dry them. How did an illicit rendezvous take place? Oliver had raised her hand to his lips when she said goodnight, and then asked quietly, eyes very bright, “Tonight, my lady?” And she—risking the possibility of ending up in a “bad place” with butter-loving ants—had nodded. Nodded! She, Lizzie Troutt, was about to do something illicit. Disobedient. Cat had done naughty things when they were children, but Lizzie always looked to their father for reassurance and love, too timid to be disobedient. Too afraid that she wouldn’t be loved, if truth be told. How would Oliver locate her bedchamber? Surely she wasn’t supposed to go to his? She hadn’t the faintest idea where his chamber was. She could hardly ask Cat.
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