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Read A Heart Of Ice (Araneae Nation)

A Heart of Ice (Araneae Nation)

Online Book

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A Heart Of Ice (Araneae Nation) - Plot & Excerpts

I resumed my lessons, and Isolde resumed her mischief-making. It was as if Mother had never made her ultimatum, as if I had never met Ennis, as if the tender feelings and stringent demands were nothing but a nightmare dispersed by the delightfully chilly morning air.
    I sat on a stone bench in my private courtyard. The large gold hoop in my hand gave me fits, but I had a new design in mind, and I was determined to spin the pattern before I forgot what I intended.
    After tying an intricate knot, I held it aloft to catch the sun while I inspected my project.
    “It’s lovely.”
    All my contentment vanished between one breath and the next.
    “You are not welcome here, Ennis.” I didn’t bother with pleasantries. “Do show yourself out.”
    “I’m well, thank you.” He circled around to face me. “The first day was pure misery, as I’m sure you can imagine.

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