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Read A Night Of Living Dangerously

A Night of Living Dangerously

Online Book

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A Night Of Living Dangerously - Plot & Excerpts

She took a deep breath, trying to steady her shaking hands. Alessandro’s dark head towered above the crowds as he strode towards the bar, trailed by wide-eyed, adoring groupies.And she was rapidly becoming one of them. Lilley exhaled. What in heaven’s name was she doing? He’d told her outright that their date would only be an illusion. And yet, all night, Alessandro’s eyes, his touch, had told her differently. Her body felt hot, her skin flushed and pink at the memory of his fingertips stroking her bare back. Of his fingers running lightly along her arm, his lips brushing her cheek.Just being around him made her feel like a different woman. A bolder, braver one.She didn’t know why or how. Maybe it was the way he looked at her. The way his hard, muscular body felt against her own. Maybe it was his scent, like exotic lands and spice and sunshine. He made her feel tense and tingly and hot, and made her soul feel all jumbled and confused.He made her feel a hunger she’d never known, and every moment she was near him, the hunger grew.Lilley swallowed, rubbing her tense neck.

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