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Read All Work And No Play

All Work and No Play

Online Book

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All Work And No Play - Plot & Excerpts

Her navy, knee-length skirt and plain blue shirt did little to hide her curvy figure. He’d noticed her from his first day at FrogLeap. Hard not to when she was the only female at managerial level. Even harder when she was a knockout and smart and hardworking and seemed to dislike him on sight. Yes, he could admit that his ego hadn’t enjoyed it when she resisted his charms, charms that worked so easily on other women.
However, it wasn’t wounded pride that made him want to pursue her, but rather the fact that he couldn’t stop thinking how great she was and wanting to change her opinion of her, something that had never happened to him before. Anna Reynolds intrigued and attracted him powerfully, and the fact she’d admitted sharing his feelings left him unusually breathless and excited.
He rubbed the back of his neck as he contemplated how close he’d come to kissing her in the stationery closet before they’d been interrupted. Even now his blood was still stirred by the memory.

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