"I'll deal with your misbehavior later." I nodded. She turned to Vorine. "Grab another warrior and your companions and go get your sister and her companion." Vorine nodded. "Lidi and Neela, care for a ride?" she asked. "We'd love one," Lidi answered immediately. "I believe our horses are already saddled and provisioned." "Careen?" she called out. "Here," she said. "Our horses are ready to go." I grabbed Vorine and hugged her. "Thank you." She hugged me quickly. "I've got to go or I won't be back for two weeks." And then they ran for the stables. Malora turned to Loren and Valen. They spoke before she could say a thing. "We'll get rid of them." "Find homes for the chiefs, and find someone to take over their villages, someone I'd approve." "We'll deal with it," Loren said. "Everything is handled," Nori said. "Let's get you patched up." "Serra!" Malora yelled. "Here, Queen Malora!" "Feast tonight.