Ash: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance - Plot & Excerpts
They were rising through the different habitable levels in the atmosphere. “They say that the poorest people live on the ground. That is not true as you saw my house. There are many others who choose to stay with their feet planted firmly on the ground who are very wealthy. The level we are on is unofficially known as the poor level, officially it’s called Prauville, Pa. It was named after the mayor who set it up. It was the first level the more influential moved to when it was finally decided it made more sense to live in the air than on the ground. As more people clamored to live in the air, the influential ones moved up to higher levels, spending more money to make sure the construction of each level was steady, but also increasing the economy.” He drove around allowing her to see what each level boasted. He stopped and allowed her to get a good look at the Skyline. It was grander than any hotel she remembered visiting. The levels were far enough apart that when she looked up all she could see was more sky.
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