Meno delicato di "Monsieur Ladoucette e il club dei cuori solitari", "Mr Jones e lo zoo della Torre di Londra" riserva comunque momenti di grande dolcezza. Dal legame profondo tra l'uomo e gli animali fino ai sentimenti complicati ma alla fin fine semplici che legano le persone. Julia Stuart ha un umorismo gentile e un talento raro quando si tratta di portare alla luce la delicatezza e la dolcezza della vita senza scadere nello stucchevole. This is a book that is just great fun to read, with stories of the Tower of London thrown in for good measure. I know that some of these characters will come to mind many more times in the coming years. Their unique combination of quirkiness and their hearts of gold made them leap off the page. A book that makes you laugh out loud suddenly because the humor arrives at the oddest and most unexpected times, and yet it also holds wonderful, solid truths to tuck away in your heart. ~Not to be read on an airplane or any other environment where you are tightly surrounded by strangers~ Your sudden bursts of laughter may bother others who aren't blessed with the complete joy of reading this book. ~smile~
I don't know how I found this book - but I loved it.
Really fun, lovely story.
Really 3.5 stars...