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Read Best Friends With The Billionaire (The Rochesters)

Best Friends With the Billionaire (The Rochesters)

Online Book

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Entangled: Indulgence

Best Friends With The Billionaire (The Rochesters) - Plot & Excerpts

Cassie sat back from the table and rubbed her stomach. “Those salt-and-pepper pork ribs were to die for.”
    “I know a good way of burning off the calories.” Kirk grinned, his hand touching her knee beneath the table.
    She smiled back at him, sweet anticipation tingling down her spine. “Your place or mine?”
    “Mine. It’s closer.”
    She thought he was going to bring up the subject of her moving in with him again, but he didn’t. Cassie didn’t regret her decision to stay here in San Francisco with Kirk. He’d been genuine in his willingness to move to Sydney for her. He’d even begun to look into investment opportunities there. But in the end she’d decided that he was too important to his family and their company, that she didn’t have the heart to uproot him, and that she wanted to stay closer to her mom and sister. She’d found a position with a small property development company, and she was loving the new challenge.

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