Betty Nabs A Billionaire (Billionaire New Adult Romance) (BIllionaire Romance) - Plot & Excerpts
She struggled to make ends meet by picking up odd jobs around the neighborhood to supplement her income selling fruit from her garden to local vendors. Her parents were hippies and raised her to love the world and the people on it. They bought a small plot of land almost 50 years ago and she grew up tending crops and selling them to local stores. Then Brewster arrived and started to ruin everything gentrifying the quiet and quaint neighborhood she had grown to love. Chain stores now populated every block and worst of all the new buildings going up were blocking the sun from reaching her garden. The real problem with Brewster is that she found him so incredibly hot. So much so that she masturbated to him every night in bed. It was not unusual for her to wake up with her panties sopping wet and her hand on her clit. For the first few months she tried getting his attention but nothing worked. A small bump in the elevator, a polite hello while they passed in the lobby, and flirting at the pool.
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