Between Loves (The Pendant Series Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts
He also knew that once he took this route, there was no going back. His soul would be taken, indebted to the Snake. Would Eve still be able to love him if his heart was now black as coal? And what of his father? As much as he hated his father for what he had done, he still yearned for his approval and had hoped to receive it one day. He dreamed of living his remaining days together with Eve in his home. He was still foolish enough to believe his father would overturn his decision made two weeks prior, and that they could all live together in peace as one family. After all, Samael was the first-born son. His father had made so many plans for him. He did not want to be the disappointment that he knew defined him. But however much he wanted to please his father, he could not suppress his own desires. Eve had an uncontrollable hold over him. He could never resist the temptation to be with her, nor did he want to.
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