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Read Big Sur And The Oranges Of Hieronymus Bosch

Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch

Online Book

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Big Sur And The Oranges Of Hieronymus Bosch - Plot & Excerpts

Inch Connecticut was the name of the leading character in a day-by-day serial which Paul Rink cooked up for the kids on Partington Ridge. It began of itself, the serial, one morning while he and the kids were waiting for the school bus to appear. It was a fantastic yarn, by all accounts, which Paul managed to drag out over a period of a year or more.
    When I heard the name—Inch Connecticut—I was full of envy. So much better than Isaac Dust or Saul Delirium! I wondered if it was really his own invention.
    The Inch Connecticut business was somewhat of a spur to me inasmuch as I had just begun a serial of my own by way of entertaining the kids at dinner every evening. Mine had to do with a little girl called Chama. (Pronounced Chah-ma.) Chama was the real name of a real girl, the daughter of Merle Armitage. Merle and his family had been to visit us one day, and his little girl, Chama, who was about Valentine’s age, had cast a spell over everyone.

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