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Read Billionaire Twins: Two The Hard Way (2015)

Billionaire Twins: Two The Hard Way (2015)

Online Book

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Erica Storm

Billionaire Twins: Two The Hard Way (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

I didn’t need the headache of an ex-wife and a handsome man who controlled my body with just a kiss, making me tremble with want and need, when he came near me, who was into things I had only seen in movies. I had just made my nineteenth birthday, and sat in the FSOG movie. I never read about this in books because I wasn’t interested or I thought it was just fiction. Something people talked about, but never did in real life.
When his ex-wife, Alecia, spilled the secrets of their sexual going on in their bedroom, I was shocked to say the least, especially about my Matthew.
All I ever wanted was Matthew, my prince charming, who would rescue me from the wicked witch Alecia.
It was getting too complicated and I knew it. I needed to graduate from school and find a job to be able to take care of myself. After all, Matthew is ‘seventeen years older than me,’ and these are his words. He could be my father if my mother had gotten pregnant in high school. I made up my mind to continue with my plans I made earlier by calling Seth.

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