The first ground rule was that they had to have an entirely different cosmology from her other supernatural stories. She and I spent many weeks emailing back and forth, sharing copious detailed notes. We had several energetic lunches and dinners, whence we discussed the foundation and framework of the story you’re about to read. We swapped ideas about the strengths and weaknesses of these new blood drinkers, ideas about the characters themselves as well as their back-stories, and more ideas about potential narrative devices. One of the amazing facets of Anne’s writing method is that she seems to devote almost as much time to selecting the right names for things as she does to carefully crafting the narrative. Both go hand in hand, I’ve learned from her. She’s taught me much. The right name is as important as le mot juste. But what name would we call our new blood drinkers? One day, after we’d spent weeks thinking about what to call this new breed, I came into her office as she thumped closed a Latin textbook.
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