Victoria stood in the front of the room, a long, pen-shaped apparatus held in her hand. When she pressed a button on its side, a fine laser emerged, penetrating the identical sphere projected above the teacher’s desk. As the laser entered the sphere, it struck the front-most pyramid. With that under her control, she moved it slowly away from the focus of the sphere, drifting it toward the orb’s outer edge. In response, the rear pyramid gave chase, keeping an equal distance behind. She said loudly, working with the pyramids, “Most of you have difficulty grasping combat outside a two-dimensional plane. All combat exists on a single flat sheet. Two opponents maneuver and drift around one another in a tactical, artful dance, until one finds an opening and strikes. Even when you take into account the use of high ground, you’re still altering only the level of the two-dimensional plane to a twenty-, thirty-, or forty-five-degree angle to account for the elevation. Still, however, your combat exists only within that stifling plane.