Clad in full battle rattle, they circled together discussing the operation order in a last minute once over. Dom had uncovered intelligence earlier revealing the location and a strong possibility of the main warlord being there. Now, here they stood against the hood of the five-ton truck ten miles out from their destination. “Okay, boys and girl, here is the plan. Satellites show the compound is incased in a twelve-foot mud wall. There is a cave just under 1.6 clicks from the destination. A river runs through it, then goes underground, making it a straight portal to the well on the North East side. That would be our bus route. We will park the truck on the backside of the cave, where it will be camouflaged for concealment. Vice, I want you positioned at the top of the mountain on the South side, with your eye on the prize and ready to fire on command. It is your job to clear them out when they drop into your sights. Romeo, you and Kodiak will be stationed behind the tree line by the gate.