Cam Jansen And The Joke House Mystery (2014) - Plot & Excerpts
Cam whispered. “Somehow no one saw him take the plate, and no one saw him hide it.” “Him or her,” Eric told Cam. “The thief might be a woman.” Cam and Eric returned to their table. “Did you find the plate?” Cam’s father asked. “Not yet,” Eric answered. “But we will.” Gary Gold was standing on the stage. “It’s time for our next comedian,” he said into the microphone. “Please welcome a funny woman named Molly Jansen.” People applauded. Cam looked across the table at Aunt Molly. She was clapping, too. “Molly,” Mr. Jansen told her. “You’re clapping for yourself.” “Oh! Is it my turn?” Molly walked onto the stage. She stood by the microphone and smiled. “Tell some jokes,” Mr. Jansen called out. “Oh, jokes.” Molly thought for a moment and then asked, “Why is the chicken a dirty double-crosser? It’s because it ran out of juice.” No one laughed. “No, that’s not right,” Molly said. “It’s because it might crack up.” “What is she talking about?”
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