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Read Caught Watching Daddy’s Homemade Porn

Caught Watching Daddy’s Homemade Porn

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Caught Watching Daddy’s Homemade Porn - Plot & Excerpts

The old tapes were Lindsey’s weakness, tempting her day after day. They were a habit she couldn’t break, and she certainly tried not to watch them. But discovering her stepdad’s collection of homemade porn last Christmas opened her eyes to a whole new side of Darren that she quickly became addicted to.
Not only was he strikingly handsome, but he also had that bad boy streak that reflected in the bedroom. He was dominate, well endowed, and lasted and lasted and lasted and lasted. Lindsey’s pussy tightened and began to ache simply thinking about his stamina as she dug into his plastic bag.
She lay all his porn in a line. There was no fancy cover, just names to each woman, but Lindsey referred to them by what they did best.
There was Ginger; Lindsey called her that because she was like her orange tabby she used to have that would claw the shit out of anything it touched, and Ginger certainly marked up Darren while they fucked in his living room. That was the first video Lindsey watched and nearly choked on her gum when she saw Darren’s cock, engorged, thick, hard as hell, and she didn’t even know mushroom top heads could be so plump.

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